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Victor F.

Level 2 Contributor

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5 Reviews by Victor

  • Infotracer

Verified purchase

First they ask for payment then they tell you they cannot find information related to the supplied vin number. This is nonsense, as other sites have supplied information.

Reason I chose this product:

Before payment let the customer know whether you have information or not. If you have info then payment can be made. If you don’t have information then why request payment for info you do not have. By the way the bin number used was VR3FBYHZRKY150665 use this number on other sites and you will see they all supply information. I should request a full refund as I feel I have been fooled.

Thumbnail of user jehoanyr
Jehoany R. – Infotracer Rep

Hello Victor,

I appreciate you leaving a review and I'm sorry we could not provide the information you needed.

According to our records, a transaction in this account was reported as a PayPal dispute. However, we were able to complete a refund for the transaction 5W188130TA235235M. Please allow 3-5 business days for funds to be credited to your PayPal account.

If you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. Have a nice day ahead, and stay safe!

Voice Of Customer Specialist
+1 833-922-2315

  • Gearbest


Excellent value for money, user friendly bike with a lot of fun.
Good construction aluminium with phone application for various settings.
I can recommend this item.

  • Alibaba


What was VAT collected for? There was no purchase due to lack of stock. You informed me 5 minutes after I made payment that there was no stock available and I should cancel the purchase immediately which I did. So what was VAT charged for? I ask again where is the proof of the amount I paid, I requested this proof and it was never sent to me. You have scammed me if this amount. Never again I will do business with Alibaba and will not recommend you.

Tip for consumers:
Be aware of scams

Products used:



The name says it all. Alibaba and the 40 th**ves

I made a purchase on Alibaba valued at 700€ and proceeded to check out with PayPal, once payment was made, within 5 minutes I received a phone call from Alibaba informing me that they have no stock and the shipping value in the listing was incorrect, this gentleman requested that I cancel the purchase so that I would retrieve my payment within 24 hours. This is exactly what I did but no refund was issued in that time frame. I opened a case through PayPal and approximately 20 days later I got my refund but to my astonishment the refund was not in total, it was about 30€ short. I contacted Alibaba about this issue and they replied that VAT had to be deducted on this purchase, although they were perfectly aware of this transaction I explained again that this transaction did not go ahead due to lack of stock and the order was cancelled immediately as requested by Alibaba. I questioned again about this VAT deduction, VAT was paid on what as there was no purchase? I requested an invoice with information regarding this transaction and the value of VAT that was paid by me.
This is now 1 month later and still no reply from Alibaba._____________________________________________

This the reply I got from ALIBABA

Dear Buyer, is obligated to collect value-added tax (VAT) for purchases made through the marketplace under certain circumstances, unless the buyer is an eligible VAT-registered customer in the UK/EU and the purchase is for a business purpose.

If you have a valid VAT ID in one or more UK/EU countries, you may provide it to us. Once we confirm you as a UK/EU VAT-registered customer, we will not charge UK/EU VAT on your future business purchases on Please be reminded to account for VAT yourself in accordance with the applicable tax regulations.

You may provide your VAT ID by logging into your account

  • Dancovershop


Fooled when buying a 6x4m canvas extreme 570gr
I bought a 6x4m canvas extreme 570gr, I spoke to Mr Mário Raposo on Chat and he informed that the canvas had a reinforcement with steel cable in the entire perimeter of the canvas, when I received the canvas I asked my subcontractors to proceed with the canvas assembly in the structure and stretch the canvas by the steel cable, when it came time to stretch the canvas I noticed that there was no reinforcement, neither cable nor rope, I have the chat transcript to prove this information. I contacted Mr. Mário Raposo at Dancover again and explained the problem, he confirmed that he had given me incorrect information but that there was nothing he could do. I asked for a € 30 discount on a value of € 140 and he didn't even answer me. He simply told me to contact Dancover Warranty. I am very unsatisfied with this situation. I made a complaint to Dancover and they requested photos of the problem, I didn't send any photo since there are pictures of the canvas on the Dancover website. The canvas simply has no reinforcement as I was wrongly informed by the Dancover salesman on the Chat services. Finally, Mr Mario Raposo apologized saying that he misinformed me because he did not know the product.

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